🤯 *Always back up your project before using this tool.*
Install YamlDotNet for Unity from the Asset Store. https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/yamldotnet-for-unity-36292
Install this tool.
Open the scene: Assets/Upgrade_To_Stat_2_6_15/Upgrade_To_Stat_2_6_15.unity
Upgrade to Stat 2.6.15
Stay within the current scene, and DO NOT open any prefab or scene in the Editor.
Set the Root Folder to specify the folder you want to scan.
Play the scene and see the result in the console. Repeat step 2 if needed.
<aside> 🤯 Some file may take too long and your Unity Editor will be freeze for a while. Do not force close the Unity Editor. It is still working. Grab a coffee and wait.
Wait until all is set. :)
Go to your file explorer, you will see there are four new folders have been created.
Move all the contents from the Assets_Upgraded_Modified to the Assets folder.
Go back to Unity Editor, wait it to reimport the files.
Done. Check the instructions and play your project to verify the result.
You can safely remove this tool, YamlDotNet for Unity, and all the Assets_Upgraded_*** folders from your project.
Good luck.
<aside> 🤯 My project does not use a formula, so I cannot test it. But it should work also.